At Trumps Green Infant School, our aim is to provide a high-quality computing education which is fully inclusive and accessible to every child. We aim to equip the children to become digitally literate in order to participate in the rapidly changing world where work and leisure are increasingly transformed by technology.
Our Computing curriculum allows the children to gain secure knowledge and skills which will encourage them to use ICT to develop ideas, express themselves, solve problems and become computational thinkers. Computing skills allow children to become confident, creative and inquisitive learners who are able to be critical and challenge themselves. We aim to build the foundations of these skills through EYFS and KS1 to a suitable level in preparation for KS2, and looking even further for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
- Our computing curriculum recognises that ICT is able to be taught both as a discrete subject as well as being woven through the curriculum. Many of the skills are transferrable which provides a wealth of learning opportunities across subjects including art, D&T, maths, geography, science, and english.
- Our teaching implements the computing National Curriculum which is comprised of 3 main parts; Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science. Knowledge and skills are taught progressively, allowing the children to embed their learning over time.
- Computer Science teaches the principles of information and computation. It involves creating and debugging simple programs using algorithms. At Trumps Green Infant School we introduce the language of Computer Science in different contexts. We begin with using precise verbal instructions (algorithms) to get a friend to a certain point across the room or explain how to make a sandwich. We then move on to using the Beebots and then creating their own game using coding. The children will need to ‘fix’ their games and Beebot programmes as they go wrong, ‘debugging’ their own algorithms.
- Digital Literacy involves using technology purposefully as a tool for learning. Our children learn to use the internet to search for information, use the keyboard to type text, make modifications to their work including changing the font size and colour, and to save and retrieve their work. The children use iPads to take their own photos and videos and learn to manipulate these images.
- Our children have access to a bank of laptops and iPads to support their learning. We use Espresso and other software packages to aid teaching and learning. We have interactive whiteboards in every classroom and these are used daily to further enable and enhance learning.
- In the Foundation Stage, Computing is taught through the Early Years Curriculum as part of ‘Understanding the World’. The children have access to PCs, take photographs on the iPads and experiment with Beebots to begin their learning journey with Computer Science.
- We teach e-safety as an explicit part of our Computing curriculum. We discuss issues such as; keeping personal information private, trusting people and sources online, treating others online as we would in real life, posting images online, and what to do if anything makes children feel uncomfortable online. We also use stories such as ‘Smartie the Penguin’ to introduce children to e-safety issues.
Teaching and learning is evaluated by learning walks, drop ins, moderation sessions, pupil interviews and work scrutinies.
It is our aim that all children will achieve age related expectations in Computing. We intend to embed key concepts in the children’s long term memory and apply them across the curriculum.
After the implementation of this robust computing curriculum, children at Trumps Green Infant School will be digitally literate and able to join the rest of the world on its digital platform. They will be equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively, but more importantly – safely. The biggest impact on our children is that they understand the consequences of using the internet and that they are also aware of how to keep themselves safe online.