Year 1 & Year 2 (KS1)
Year 1(5-6yrs) Year 2 (6-7yrs) 'Key Stage 1'
The Foundation Stage dovetails into the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum covers:
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- Design Technology
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
- Geography
- History
- Religious Education
- Computing
- Personal Social and Health Education and Citizenship
- Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Education.
The foundations laid in the Early Years are built upon.
Each child is encouraged to reach their potential in all
areas of the National Curriculum developing independent
learning strategies. The proportion of recorded work gradually increases.
Standardised National Assessments (SATs) take place in
the Summer Term of Year 2 and are undertaken by all pupils. We ensure that these create as little disruption as possible, whilst giving each child the opportunity to perform at his/her best.
*SAT's did not take place in 2020 and will not take place in 2021 due to COVID-19.